Thursday, July 20, 2017

Extending LK: 5-opt move, part 1/3

There are 148 pure 5-opt move types.

Note that the code below is for sequential pure 5-opt moves and it is supposed to be used with the code for pure 4-opt, 3-opt and 2-opt moves.

proc LK_5Move(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8: City_Number;
              G4a: Length_Gain;
              tourOrderPrev: int): bool =
    level = 4
    improved: bool
    searching: bool
    c9, c10: City_Number
    c8_pred, c8_succ: City_Number
    c9_pred, c9_succ: City_Number
    fwd: bool
    G4, G5a, gainFromCloseUp: Length_Gain
    goodSuffix: Suffix
    goodSufficesList: seq[Suffix]
    tried_c9: int = 0
    breadth: int
    tourOrder: int
    moveType: int
    c2subseq, cLast:  City_Number
    Ga: Length_Gain
    SubseqLvl: int

  improved = false
  fwd = (c2 == t_succ(c1))
  c8_succ = t_succ(c8)
  c8_pred = t_pred(c8)

  block find_promising_moves:
    goodSufficesList = @[]  # empty list (sequence)
    for c9 in neighbors(c8):
      if tried_c9 >= 2*Max_Breadth_4:
        break find_promising_moves
      # tests:
      # when c9 is one of tour neighbors of c8,
      # then the link (c6,c7) already exists in tour
      # and we cannot add it to the tour
      if (c9 == c8_succ) or (c9 == c8_pred):
      # link (c8,c9) should not be the same as (c2,c3)
      if (c8 == c2) and (c9 == c3) or
         (c8 == c3) and (c9 == c2):
      # link (c8,c9) should not be the same as (c4,c5)
      if (c8 == c4) and (c9 == c5) or
         (c8 == c5) and (c9 == c4):
      # if c9 is c1, then link (c10,c1) needed to close the tour
      # would be the same as (c10,c9) already in in tour
      if (c9 == c1):

      G4 = G4a - distance(c8, c9)

      if G4  < 0:  # c9 is too far from c8
        break  # all subsequent candidates for c9 are even worse

      # if G4 > 0:
      c9_succ = t_succ(c9)
      c9_pred = t_pred(c9)

      for c10 in [c9_succ, c9_pred]:
        # tests:
        # c10 should not be c1, when we close a tour.
        # We check condition here, because we are not going to
        # go deeper and pass possibly disconnecting move
        # to *general* 6-opt proc
        # (compare place of similar test in 4opt proc)
        if (c10 == c1):
        # link (c9,c10) should not be the same as (c3,c4)
        if (c9 == c3) and (c10 == c4) or
           (c9 == c4) and (c10 == c3):
        # link (c9,c10) should not be the same as (c5,c6)
        if (c9 == c5) and (c10 == c6) or
           (c9 == c6) and (c10 == c5):

        tourOrder = TO_00 #  do not remove this line!
        case tourOrderPrev

        of TO_12347856:
          if inOrder(c2, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A347856
              tourOrder = TO_12A9347856

        of TO_12348756:
          if inOrder(c2, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A348756
              tourOrder = TO_12A9348756

        of TO_12783456:
          if inOrder(c4, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278349A56
              tourOrder = TO_127834A956

        of TO_12873456:
          if inOrder(c4, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1287349A56
              tourOrder = TO_128734A956

        of TO_12346587:
          if inOrder(c2, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A346587
              tourOrder = TO_12A9346587

        of TO_12347865:
          if inOrder(c2, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A347865
              tourOrder = TO_12A9347865

        of TO_12783465:
          if inOrder(c5, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12783465A9
          elif inOrder(c4, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278349A65
          elif inOrder(c8, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c8, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278A93465
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c7, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12A9783465

        of TO_12873465:
          if inOrder(c5, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12873465A9
          elif inOrder(c4, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1287349A65
          elif inOrder(c7, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12879A3465
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c8, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A873465

        of TO_12563478:
          if inOrder(c4, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1256349A78
              tourOrder = TO_125634A978
          elif inOrder(c6, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12569A3478
              tourOrder = TO_1256A93478
          elif inOrder(c2, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A563478
              tourOrder = TO_12A9563478

        of TO_12563487:
          if inOrder(c7, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12563487A9
          elif inOrder(c4, c9, c8, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1256349A87
          elif inOrder(c6, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12569A3487
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c5, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A563487

        of TO_12785634:
          if inOrder(c6, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278569A34
              tourOrder = TO_127856A934
          elif inOrder(c2, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A785634
              tourOrder = TO_12A9785634

        of TO_12875634:
          if inOrder(c4, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12875634A9
          elif inOrder(c6, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1287569A34
          elif inOrder(c7, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1287A95634
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c8, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A875634

        of TO_12567834:
          if inOrder(c6, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12569A7834
              tourOrder = TO_1256A97834

        of TO_12568734:
          if inOrder(c4, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12568734A9
          elif inOrder(c7, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_125687A934
          elif inOrder(c6, c9, c8, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12569A8734
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c5, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12A9568734

        of TO_12653478:
          if inOrder(c4, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1265349A78
              tourOrder = TO_126534A978
          elif inOrder(c5, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12659A3478
              tourOrder = TO_1265A93478
          elif inOrder(c2, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A653478
              tourOrder = TO_12A9653478

        of TO_12653487:
          if inOrder(c7, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12653487A9
          elif inOrder(c4, c9, c8, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1265349A87
          elif inOrder(c5, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1265A93487
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c6, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12A9653487

        of TO_12657834:
          if inOrder(c4, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12657834A9
          elif inOrder(c8, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c8, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_126578A934
          elif inOrder(c5, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12659A7834
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c6, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12A9657834

        of TO_12658734:
          if inOrder(c7, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1265879A34
              tourOrder = TO_126587A934
          elif inOrder(c2, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A658734
              tourOrder = TO_12A9658734

        of TO_12786534:
          if inOrder(c4, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c4, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12786534A9
          elif inOrder(c5, c9, c3, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278659A34
          elif inOrder(c8, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c8, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278A96534
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c7, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A786534

        of TO_12876534:
          if inOrder(c7, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12879A6534
              tourOrder = TO_1287A96534

        of TO_12435687:
          if inOrder(c3, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12439A5687
              tourOrder = TO_1243A95687
          elif inOrder(c2, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A435687
              tourOrder = TO_12A9435687

        of TO_12437856:
          if inOrder(c6, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12437856A9
          elif inOrder(c8, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c8, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_124378A956
          elif inOrder(c3, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1243A97856
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c4, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A437856

        of TO_12438756:
          if inOrder(c6, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12438756A9
          elif inOrder(c7, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1243879A56
          elif inOrder(c3, c9, c8, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12439A8756
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c4, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12A9438756

        of TO_12784356:
          if inOrder(c6, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12784356A9
          elif inOrder(c3, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278439A56
          elif inOrder(c8, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c8, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278A94356
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c7, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12A9784356

        of TO_12874356:
          if inOrder(c6, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12874356A9
          elif inOrder(c3, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_128743A956
          elif inOrder(c7, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12879A4356
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c8, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A874356

        of TO_12436578:
          if inOrder(c5, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1243659A78
              tourOrder = TO_124365A978
          elif inOrder(c3, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12439A6578
              tourOrder = TO_1243A96578
          elif inOrder(c2, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A436578
              tourOrder = TO_12A9436578

        of TO_12436587:
          if inOrder(c7, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12436587A9
          elif inOrder(c5, c9, c8, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1243659A87
          elif inOrder(c3, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1243A96587
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c4, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A436587

        of TO_12437865:
          if inOrder(c5, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12437865A9
          elif inOrder(c8, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c8, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_124378A965
          elif inOrder(c3, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12439A7865
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c4, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12A9437865

        of TO_12438765:
          if inOrder(c7, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1243879A65
              tourOrder = TO_124387A965

        of TO_12784365:
          if inOrder(c3, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278439A65
              tourOrder = TO_127843A965
          elif inOrder(c2, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A784365
              tourOrder = TO_12A9784365

        of TO_12874365:
          if inOrder(c5, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12874365A9
          elif inOrder(c3, c9, c6, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_128743A965
          elif inOrder(c7, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1287A94365
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c8, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A874365

        of TO_12564378:
          if inOrder(c3, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1256439A78
              tourOrder = TO_125643A978
          elif inOrder(c6, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12569A4378
              tourOrder = TO_1256A94378
          elif inOrder(c2, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A564378
              tourOrder = TO_12A9564378

        of TO_12564387:
          if inOrder(c7, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12564387A9
          elif inOrder(c3, c9, c8, fwd):
s            if inOrder(c3, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1256439A87
          elif inOrder(c6, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12569A4387
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c5, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12A9564387

        of TO_12567843:
          if inOrder(c6, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12569A7843
              tourOrder = TO_1256A97843

        of TO_12568743:
          if inOrder(c3, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12568743A9
          elif inOrder(c7, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_125687A943
          elif inOrder(c6, c9, c8, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12569A8743
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c5, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A568743

        of TO_12785643:
          if inOrder(c3, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12785643A9
          elif inOrder(c6, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278569A43
          elif inOrder(c8, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c8, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278A95643
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c7, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A785643

        of TO_12875643:
          if inOrder(c6, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c6, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1287569A43
              tourOrder = TO_128756A943
          elif inOrder(c7, c9, c5, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12879A5643
              tourOrder = TO_1287A95643

        of TO_12654387:
          if inOrder(c5, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12659A4387
              tourOrder = TO_1265A94387

        of TO_12657843:
          if inOrder(c3, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12657843A9
          elif inOrder(c8, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c8, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_126578A943
          elif inOrder(c5, c9, c7, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1265A97843
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c6, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A657843

        of TO_12658743:
          if inOrder(c3, c9, c1, fwd):
            if inOrder(c3, c10, c9, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12658743A9
          elif inOrder(c7, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c7, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1265879A43
          elif inOrder(c5, c9, c8, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_12659A8743
          else: #  inOrder(c2, c9, c6, fwd)
            if inOrder(c2, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_129A658743

        of TO_12786543:
          if inOrder(c5, c9, c4, fwd):
            if inOrder(c5, c9, c10, fwd):
              tourOrder = TO_1278659A43
              tourOrder = TO_127865A943

        else: # of tourOrderPrev
        #end of testing variants

        if tourOrder == TO_00:
          moveType = move_type_0
          moveType = move_type_5

        if moveType != move_type_0:  # 6-opt not implemented
          tried_c9 = tried_c9 + 1
          G5a = G4 + distance(c9, c10)
          goodSuffix = Suffix(c2iplus1: c9, c2iplus2: c10,
                              Ga: G5a,
                              tourOrder: tourOrder, moveType: moveType)
      #end_loop for c10
    #end_loop for neighbor_number
  #end_block find_promising_moves

  block evaluate_promising_moves:
    if len(goodSufficesList) == 0:
      # no promising moves
      break evaluate_promising_moves

    # pass promising moves, one by one, to next level
    # to check them there
    breadth = min(len(goodSufficesList), Max_breadth_4)
    for mve in 0 .. breadth-1:
      goodSuffix = goodSufficesList[mve]
      c9 = goodSuffix.c2iplus1
      c10 = goodSuffix.c2iplus2
      Ga = goodSuffix.Ga
      tourOrder = goodSuffix.tourOrder
      moveType  = goodSuffix.moveType
      if moveType != move_type_0: # connecting move
        gainFromCloseUp = Ga - distance(c10, c1)
        if gainFromCloseUp > 0:
          improved = true
          Make_5opt_Move(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10,
          tourLen = tourLen - gainFromCloseUp
                     [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10])
          break evaluate_promising_moves

      when true: # not OPT_6_IMPLEMENTED:
        # below we try to use general subsequent move
        # after temporary applying 5-opt move
        c2subseq = c10
        cLast = c10

        AddtoLinksAdded(c2, c3)
        AddtoLinksAdded(c4, c5)
        AddtoLinksAdded(c6, c7)
        AddtoLinksAdded(c8, c9)
        Make_5opt_Move(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10,
                   [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10])
        searching = true
        SubseqLvl = 0
        while searching:
          SubseqLvl = SubseqLvl + 1
          improved = LK_SubsequentMove(c1, c2subseq, Ga, cLast)
          if improved:
            break evaluate_promising_moves
          else: # not improved
            if c2subseq == cLast: # end of promising moves
              searching = false
              c2subseq = cLast
          if SubseqLvl > Max_Depth:
            searching = false
    #end_loop for mve
  #end_block evaluate_promising_moves

  result = improved

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